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  • Writer's pictureRoni

why is short-term goals are more important in MMA

i remember before i started my journey in Radical MMA my coach sent me an Email to bring a notebook to take notes, and basically i understood that is very important and you gotta take it serious, each technique you just learned you gonna forget if you not gonna practice it everyday, so its basically if you a balck belt then be a balck belt and stay a black belt with training everyday,otherwise you not a black belt anymore beacause the technique isnt there, i realized too if you just coming to train in the gym but have no goals you just not gonna get better, even though you coming everyday to train dosent matter, i know many people who coming to the gym just to wrestle and paying 250 each month and thats it, but is that gonna make them better fighters ? of course not. why? beacause the mindset isnt there, im not saying that each one should go and compete , but if you already going to the gym you gotta set goals for yourself in how to improve your striking and grappling skills and take notes and ill explain why.

my first 3-4 months of training my mindset wasnt completly there, my coach told me to come and train 3 times a week otherwise everything you gonna learn just gonna be waste of time, i did that but something was missing,my mindset wasnt really there to actually set up goals to be better, i thought if i just gonna come to train everyday ill get better and thats it, unfortunately it wasnt like that, i realized that in same thing all the time, no improvement in sparring, escapes,striking nothing... but then i realized and thought about the notebook thing that the coach said and i just started setting up goals for myself but i didnt knew how because there is so much to improve,so the coach spoke about short-term goals and how important they are than l the long term, so he told us when you thinking about long term goals in the beggining you always thinking about becoming a champion and thats what makes you not focusing on whats happenng now and what should you improve now,beacause once you thinking about being a champion you ending up doing nothing.

so i started to bring my notebook evrerytime i came to train so ill be able to improve my skill better, and each thing the coach was speaking about and each mistake i was making i was just writing it down , even though i didnt relaly practiced and improved my technique but i took the notes it just stayed inside my head and i just improved my skill without even practicing it, beacause i took it more serious thats why. even though of course im practicing each mistake im making but once you wrote in down its like signing a contract and an agreemant with yourself, and each goal for me was until the end of the week, what should i improve this week or what should i work on this week, after like 2 months of doing those stuff i really became a better fighter, my escapes are better and my grappling technique are completly diffrent and i realized that there is a purpose in life in each thing you doing, for example , if you working in an ice cream shop right now and you got a station of packing the orders and give it to the customers, amazing you doing your job very well, but in the ice cream shop they have ice cream Obviously and they making it, so by knowing and learning all the stations little by little it makes you a great employee and there is no reason to fire you, beacause you useful and you got the skill of the store and is needed.

lets say if your in macdonalds for example or any other fast-food job, and you got only one position lets say a cashier and you got a friend who work makes to you but makes the burgers , lets say that friend goes to a break now and nobody can take him over for now, but you can learn it too!!, if youll be useful and not just standing in one place taking orders non stop it will make you a good employee and needed. never say to yourself that you wanna stay who you are in the same place or in the same job,you gotta always have goals to improve yourslef because that what makes you successful in the end. same thing in martial arts you gotta know evrerything, you gotta be a good wrestler,striker, good in the defence and the offence., thats makes you a good fighter, there is no such thing knowing to do a move only from the right side, lets say if you doing Armbar only from the right side but your left side sucks then you dont know the movement and the leverage. trust me ive been going through those hard times trying to do everything from the left side but thats what makes me a good Athlete in the end of the day , once you train your mindset to do things you dont wanna do then you growing, the mindset is like a muscle that you gotta train beacause if you not gonna train it then its bad , your emotions start to control you and you basically in slavery.

every fight that you see that someone won dosent matter how long each one was training for the fight or in general it all beacause of the goals, if you can set up the right goals and put them into practice youll be able to use those skills in a real fight not just in the cage but also in the street which are more important , just think like this, why should you spend 250 each month for the gym if you not getting better and you have no purpose? just for fun? its like getting into a relationship with no purpose of getting married, so if you see you going no where with that and you not expecting to compete or improve your skills then better dont train at all, its like eating pizza evreyday after you train ,is just waste of time and energy.

thanks so much guys for reading hope you guys enjoyed i would like to hear your opinion in the comments below.

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